Everyone have the ability to play
Shoqata Ndihmoni Jeten, Prush, Tirane, Albania, Tirana 0000, Albania Isis Sejrani Shkolla "Jeronim De Rada"-
Where Tirana,
Albania -
Event Start
The activity promotes the right to play for the differently abled youngsters (aged 14-17 years old) as an essential right to allow these group of young people to develop through participating into sport activities in order to stay healthy, develop physically and improve further their motoric skills. Equally important is that right to play promotes that differently abled youngsters have the right to enjoy being active and have fun just like any other young person. During the “NowWeMove” week September 29 – October 5, 2014 will be organized a sport activity with possibly an approximate of 10 – 15 participants the differently abled youngsters at the Daily Center of Help the Life Association, located in Prush village, at the outskirts of Tirana. The activity will include engaging into sport activities, coaching and playing basketball together with differently abled youngsters at the outside playground or indoors weather dependent. This activity involves a “peer to peer” initiative and community volunteering in support to the social cause of right to play as part of the Help the Life Association mission. Help the Life Association (Shoqata Ndihmoni Jeten) contacts +355(044) 803370; +355(0) 682084945 email: info@helpthelife.org.al website: http://www.helpthelife.org